Reception conditions


Metal purchase is subject to the Regulations Nr. 960 ‘Purchase and selling of ferrous and nonferrous metal scrap’ of the Cabinet of Minister of the Republic of Latvia.


Individual person selling scrap metal has to hand personality identifying documents and give their bank account number to which the payment either in  EUR will be transferred.


A Delivery and Acceptance Certificate and Certificate of Origin are issued at metal reception.


Pricing policy and payment conditions


Bottom-line price of metal scrap depends on its amount, quality and current scrap metal purchase price. The amount of metal is measured using certified car or rail weighing scales. An examiner evaluates quality of metal scrap; quality assessment tools may be used in addition to visual examination in case of necessity. An examiner measures contamination of scrap, i.e. the content of non-metal inherit impurities that supplier is not paid for. Metal scrap leftovers after unloading are not considered as waste material.


Payment for supplied scrap is transferred to a client’s bank account usually within 24 hours after metal delivery.


Please contact us for further information.